This is a simple CSS/HTML/PHP site that presents a series of quilt squares designed and created by students at Drake High School's Mobius integrated program. Each square was created for a specific activist, which the group researched. Groups also created short documentaries to convince viewers of the importance of that activist's cause.
This is a simple web gallery that uses the lovely FancyZoom utility by Cabel. The backgrounds were snatched from (er.. inspired by) Apple's Finder file highlights (and Preview's active image highlight in the Drawer). Sadly, due to the use of uncompressed TIFFs as div backgrounds, the results are only visible in Safari and the nightly builds of WebKit (my browser of choice).
I did some design work and consulting for my friend Jasper Blunk. Nothing fancy, just some design choices, basic HTML/CSS howtos, and a force-to-the-bottom footer.
A simple PHP script that blocks Internet Explorer access on a server level, and redirects via JavaScript to Simple. Effective. Latest version available at Simply use PHP to include the script before anything else on a page (even before the !DOCTYPE). Redirects to Happy blocking!